Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 16A

In class, we've finished reviewing and offering criticism to other students who had also created webpages for the class. Afterwards, we had viewed a short presentation on 3D animation, which I am extremely interested in and am thinking to pursue a career in, as it is the main reason why I had chose this major. I was able to talk with this student before the presentation and learn a little more about the programs she had used and what it was like to do animation, as she is definitely more experienced than I was. I've created work in the past, but it was only something that I had done on my free time. I've created simple things, such as a teddy bear and a pair of diamonds.

 After the presentation, we were once again given a brief run-down on what the final exam would be like. A portion of the exam will be based on the presentation that we were given, which i'm prepared for.

Week 15 Outside of Class

Outside of class, I've finished creating my webpage. Overall, i'm very satisfied with the outcome as it was my first successful html webpage that I've created. Not only this, but I was able to add certain elements that were more challenging to add into my page such as a gallery. I believe I've done some unique things with my webpage that not many others had done also, which includes a scrolling element that follows the user. The project itself was pretty interesting, as I was able to create a webpage for a product that I was interested in. Using my knowledge with comics, I was able to create a webpage that I believe had delivered and had a very comic-esque feel to it. With the criticism that I will receive from other students, I will learn how to improve my webpage and overall coding skills for future projects.

Week 15B

In class, I've received criticism from other students as well as my professor. Some of the criticism that I had received was

  • Make the gallery more apparent
  • Move character on the side into the body of the webpage
  • Too much edge tension with the wrapper
  • Complete rows in gallery
  • Outline around certain elements is unnecessary
  • Too many text characters in a line
  • Layout of page would be unique if it were similar to a comic
I agree with many of these criticisms, as all of them were an oversight on my part. Taking these into account, I'll be more cautious and keep these in mind when creating future webpages and projects in general. 
We've also went over some of the things that will be on our final exam. We've discussed the format of the test, as well as some of the things we should study and be aware of. 

Week 15A

I've made plenty of progress on my webpage. I have created a gallery section, as well as a "Meet the Team" and "Contact" addition. I've also created thumbnails for each item in the gallery and created cropped images of the team's avatars on instagram. The most difficult part of the creating the webpage so far would be the gallery. Although it was challenging, it was a "must" have for my project. Not only was it aesthetically pleasing, but it would also be a good place to display many of the panels and illustrations that this comic has to offer without overwhelming the user with images and making the page appear to be messy. Meet the team was also very difficult, as it was a little more challenging to keep their avatar icons all in line with each other as well as the text. I have a lot more to do, but i'm very pleased with the progress so far.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Week 14 Outside of Class

Outside of class, I've created graphics that i'll use for my webpage. The first image will be placed on the side of the page and will scroll as the user scrolls. The second image will be placed at the top of my webpage and act as a banner for it. This graphic will pull the user in and make it more interesting overall. Since my subject matter already has plenty of graphics already done for them such as comic panels, issue covers and posters, these graphics allow me to add my own touch and creativity to the webpage. Next, I plan to add many more sections to my webpage such as "Meet the Team" and a "Contact" section, both of which are essential for a webpage.

Week 14B

In class I've decided on the overall look and format that I might use for my webpage. Although I should have decided it earlier, the layout didn't look how I wanted it to as I began to work on it. The color choices and fonts are also much different than my style tiles. Similarly, I began to choose the colors and themes from my tiles and they didn't appear to fit the comic book style. From this point onwards I have a lot of work to add, although I do have it planned out and I know what i'm going to do.