Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 12A

In class, we had formed groups and brainstormed different layouts for our webpage together. There were many unique ideas that inspired me to try different things. I wanted to avoid having generic and boring layouts, so I arranged my boxes in a unique way that is still logical and easy to read. I'm leaning more towards the first layout, as it's a little more unique while not having content scattered everywhere. The third is also an option, although i'm unsure if having columns with information inside them would be easy to read. For images, I plan to add the illustrations that the author published. I've also had an interesting idea to add the comic's panels as the background too.
I've given and received different tips on how to improve our webpages, one of them being the possibility of a slideshow. I'll definitely consider adding a slideshow if it's possible, however i'm unsure how to do it and it does seem somewhat complicated. For a webpage based on a comic, i'm also unsure if it's necessary. It's also important to focus on the early stages of this project, as I've been thinking ahead and coming up with different ideas of how the webpage would look. It's crucial that I have the basics finished before working on the style itself.

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