Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 11B

Based on feedback from other students, the kickstarter that I had chosen to create a webpage for was "Tommy Gun Banshee". Although it was not my first choice, it offers more information than the other two projects which would greatly benefit me in creating a webpage. More than the other two comics, "Tommy Gun Banshee" has a strong theme that I could incorporate into my webpage since it was based during a certain time period. To create this webpage, i'll need to do a lot of background research on the 1920s noir aesthetic. It also seems to be the project that most people are interested in in general. My first choice would have been "SpaceCooler" most likely, but unfortunately it did not have as much information as the project other student's voted for, so it would be a little more difficult to create a webpage for it. SpaceCooler only speaks about the plot and provides a few illustrations, but does not provide a lot of additional information aside from that.

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