Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week 11 Outside of Class

Outside of class, I've read two PDFs that gave tips and tricks on how to be more proficient at coding in HTML and CSS. Although the final result isn't too aesthetically pleasing, I enjoyed messing around and using different commands that I never knew I could use, such as giving text background color and changing the default spacing between letters. Most of the things in the HTML PDF I've already known from class, but most things in CSS I didn't know how to do before.

I've also done more research on the "Kickstarter" project that I'd like to create a webpage for. The project that I had chosen and decided to research was "Tommy Gun Banshee". In addition to finding information such as the story and team working on the comic, I've also done more background research on the era that the story takes place in. I've found a lot of additional information, although i'm unsure if it needs to be included, such as the budget used to create the comic. Overall, this information sparked many new ideas that I could use for my webpage, and i'm pretty excited to get started on it.

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