Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Week 14A

In class, I decided to redo the basic layout of my page. When discussing my webpage with someone, I was told that my webpage followed the layout of those that were created years ago. In other words, it was an old and outdated layout. With this new style, the elements in my webpage will be able to flow more freely and won't be as contained as before. The boxes are temporary until I add text and images. My next step will be to add text to all of my boxes, followed by creating/using the images that I will use for the webpage.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Week 12 Outside of Class

Over the weekend, I came up with two different style tiles for my webpage. Although I enjoy both of these themes, I'm unsure if they reflect the product that i'm supporting. I tried to incorporate a bit of the comic book style with the banner at the top which I think was very successful, but I do need more comic book style elements in it. I believe the biggest change I could make that would accomplish this would be maybe changing the background and giving it a different texture, as they're very smooth and not as stylized like comics and cartoons usually are. Overall, I plan on sticking with either of these color themes and fonts however, but I will do more tweaking to my final page.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 12A

In class, we had formed groups and brainstormed different layouts for our webpage together. There were many unique ideas that inspired me to try different things. I wanted to avoid having generic and boring layouts, so I arranged my boxes in a unique way that is still logical and easy to read. I'm leaning more towards the first layout, as it's a little more unique while not having content scattered everywhere. The third is also an option, although i'm unsure if having columns with information inside them would be easy to read. For images, I plan to add the illustrations that the author published. I've also had an interesting idea to add the comic's panels as the background too.
I've given and received different tips on how to improve our webpages, one of them being the possibility of a slideshow. I'll definitely consider adding a slideshow if it's possible, however i'm unsure how to do it and it does seem somewhat complicated. For a webpage based on a comic, i'm also unsure if it's necessary. It's also important to focus on the early stages of this project, as I've been thinking ahead and coming up with different ideas of how the webpage would look. It's crucial that I have the basics finished before working on the style itself.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week 11 Outside of Class

Outside of class, I've read two PDFs that gave tips and tricks on how to be more proficient at coding in HTML and CSS. Although the final result isn't too aesthetically pleasing, I enjoyed messing around and using different commands that I never knew I could use, such as giving text background color and changing the default spacing between letters. Most of the things in the HTML PDF I've already known from class, but most things in CSS I didn't know how to do before.

I've also done more research on the "Kickstarter" project that I'd like to create a webpage for. The project that I had chosen and decided to research was "Tommy Gun Banshee". In addition to finding information such as the story and team working on the comic, I've also done more background research on the era that the story takes place in. I've found a lot of additional information, although i'm unsure if it needs to be included, such as the budget used to create the comic. Overall, this information sparked many new ideas that I could use for my webpage, and i'm pretty excited to get started on it.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 11B

Based on feedback from other students, the kickstarter that I had chosen to create a webpage for was "Tommy Gun Banshee". Although it was not my first choice, it offers more information than the other two projects which would greatly benefit me in creating a webpage. More than the other two comics, "Tommy Gun Banshee" has a strong theme that I could incorporate into my webpage since it was based during a certain time period. To create this webpage, i'll need to do a lot of background research on the 1920s noir aesthetic. It also seems to be the project that most people are interested in in general. My first choice would have been "SpaceCooler" most likely, but unfortunately it did not have as much information as the project other student's voted for, so it would be a little more difficult to create a webpage for it. SpaceCooler only speaks about the plot and provides a few illustrations, but does not provide a lot of additional information aside from that.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week 11A

For our next project, we must create a basic webpage using HTML and CSS for a kickstarter project. We're allowed to choose any project we wanted to create a page out of, with the only rule being that a website does not already exist for it. Being a fan of comics and graphic novels, the three kickstarter projects that I've chosen were for creators starting their own series that do not currently have websites.
The first project that I had chose was "SpaceCooler". Overall, I enjoy the aesthetic and style of the pages that the author had shown in preview images. Following the space theme, I believe I could make a webpage that fits the theme of the comic. I've already came up with different ideas for the style of the page, and it is most likely the project that i'll choose to work with.
Alpha Red
The second project that I chose was "Alpha Red" which is another comic. Similar to "SpaceCooler", it also does not have its own webpage. The illustrations for this comic look amazing, and there are plenty of images shown that give me a good idea of the overall theme of the comic. Using this information, I could create a webpage that is consistent with the theme the artist chose to follow in his comic.
Tommy Gun Banshee
The last comic that I've chosen was "Tommy Gun Banshee". This project would possibly be the most fun to work on. Following the 1920's noir and Irish mob style in this comic, I believe I could create a very mysterious and gritty page. 1920's noir already has a certain style to it, which would make it fun to incorporate into my own project.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week 10 Outside of Class

Using CSS, I've added color to the background of my page, text, and added shapes to make it a little more interesting. CSS and HTML are both much easier than I had anticipated. When starting out, seeing pages full of code was very overwhelming, when in reality it's somewhat basic. Watching the tutorials and using guides from websites helped immensely. Outside of class, I've also fixed some of my image problems that I've mentioned before in a previous entry. It was a silly mistake, as I didn't include the images in the same folder as my html page. Most of the problems that I had encountered while doing this was from silly mistakes such as these.

Week 10B

In class, we began learning the basics of CSS. After watching a few videos and other tutorials, we were then tasked to add CSS into our HTML vacation page. As of now, i'm very unfamiliar with CSS, and it is my very first time using it. Assuming that it is similar to HTML, it should be rather easy to do. In class, I've gathered a few ideas that would make my page more interesting and add style to it. However, being new to CSS, I don't know how difficult it will be.