Sunday, September 24, 2017

IID Conference

The IID Conference was yesterday. Some of the things I did were:

  • Place posters and signs
  • Greet those who were attending
  • Helped setup tables, chairs etc.
  • Cleaned up trash, signs/posters after the event
Overall the conference was very insightful and interesting. Although the speakers had followed different paths, their messages were very similar. 

Todd Miller had gave simple but amazing advice, stating that there is no clear path through life. He made it almost certain that we would try many things before understanding what we really wanted from our career. He had also mentioned that only you know what is best for you. Although it is important to listen to others, it is important to remember that you know what is best for you in the end. Similar to other speakers, Todd had mentioned that it is very important to be kind and humble. Others will continue to want to work with you, and many more opportunities will be available to you. 

Phil and Kristine Newswanger were co-presenters with very interesting advice. They had told us to "Forget passion" and to "Pursue curiosity" instead. The reason for this is that it allows us to branch out and gain new experiences. The second piece of advice was to "Keep working at it", as success does not come overnight. They had mentioned that they both had experienced many failures before getting to where they were at today. The third main point was to "Risk Delight". They explained that it's important to change your routine sometimes, as it offers a different perspective on certain things and can spark creativity within us. 

Doug Logan, who was the most interesting presenter in my opinion offered great advice. His presentation was very detailed and informative, offering different graphs and statistics for the points he was making. One very important point he had made was to conduct surveys, as they allow you to know what your customers would want. Doug had designed the new "Zippy Shell" logo. During his involvement with the company, he took many surveys ranging from how many people had heard of the company, to the colors the brand should be. Through these surveys, he had gathered enough information to essentially help build the brand around what customers would have wanted. 

Bri Piccardi had offered similar but great advice as well. The most important in my opinion being, you have to meet people where they're at. This is important to me, as it shows you have to be willing to understand your client and come to a compromise. Every client thinks and works differently, and you have to be willing to work with them to make the task successful. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 2A

There is no class today due to labor day.

Week 1 Outside of Class

Earlier this week I've read an article titled "What is product design?" The article discussed the many different roles that certain occupations had, such as data analysts and prototypes. Although I've known about these jobs, there were many more that I wasn't aware of or had a minimal understanding of how crucial their role was in a project. After reading the article, i'm still a little overwhelmed and unsure with what i'd want to do in the future. There are so many positions I believe i'd enjoy doing.
The books that were required for the class have been shipped, although I've only received one yesterday. I'll skim through it this weekend and do more in-depth reading as the class progresses.