Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Today in class we covered different types of mobile apps such as utility, lifestyle and gaming apps. We've also been assigned roles to work at the event IID Con. We were tasked to write short bios of ourselves to submit since they would be posted on the website. We were also asked to submit our shirt size, as it is what all of us students would be wearing at the event. Lastly, we were put into groups of two in preparation of a group project. Although we didn't start it immediately, we began with short and silly team activities and a brief team assignment.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


During our first class session, we had reviewed both the syllabus and completed a student info form. The purpose of the form was to inform our instructor of our strengths, weaknesses, and other information about ourselves. The syllabus covered course objectives, evaluation, guidelines and requirements for the course. Afterwards, we discussed different careers in design.